The Keybie Cafe Online Shop: custom dotty-eyed accessories

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Welcome to the Keybie Cafe’s online shop!

If you want to see ALL our designs, our Keybie List shows every design we’ve ever made since we started making keybies way back in 2012. As you can imagine, we have a lot of designs, from the obscure to the popular.

We still have stocks of our regular keybies in some designs, but you can now order acrylic keybies of any design from the Keybie list too!

Keybie Cafe - how to order

  • Select the items you want by checking the upper left corner box
  • Select how many of each item you want to order by changing the number under Quantity.
  • You can find your Total amount payable above the Customer Details form.
  • If you want to order acrylic keybies, fill out the field for acrylic