Get 20% off EVERYTHING in the Cafe's selection for the next 7 days!!
June 28th, 2014 by

A lot of things may have happened this June, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s something to celebrate!

The Cafe ladies, namely me, my mom, and Kay are all June birthday girls (mom on the 3rd, me on the 28th, and Kay on the 30th)–and we’re celebrating our collective birthdays with you with the Cafe’s first ever Big Birthday Sale! Continue reading

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Keybies at Toycon
June 26th, 2014 by

With all the great toys and goodies you can find at Toycon, it’s no wonder it’s one of the biggest events of the year for any avid collector of toys or anime merchandise.

Whether you’re looking for anime fan merch, or gaming characters looking cute, these 10 Toycon hauls will show we’ve got something for you! > w <)/ Continue reading

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Papu in New York
June 16th, 2014 by

It’s always been my mom, my brother, me, and my dad. One of my fonder memories of him was how he’d tell everyone keybies were for 2 for 100. Continue reading

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