Little Shop of Horrors in Manila: where love blossoms and plants bite

The Sandbox Collective is thrilled to present the classic Broadway musical, “Little Shop of Horrors: A Bloodthirsty Musical Comedy,” featuring the most iconic Venus flytrap ever seen in media! This production, set to open on July 6 at the Globe Auditorium, Maybank Performing Arts Theater, tells the story of a shy florist who discovers a peculiar plant with an insatiable appetite for fame, fortune—and human blood.

This 2024 production of “Little Shop of Horrors” promises to be a unique blend of horror and comedy with a green thumb for love. Directed by the Sandbox Collective’s managing artistic director, Toff de Venecia, with musical direction by Ejay Yatco, the show also celebrates The Sandbox Collective’s 10th anniversary.

With a memorable score and a talented Manila cast bringing this story to life, audiences will be treated to unforgettable music and electrifying performances.

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